The mystery of the missing shoe |
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The mystery of the missing shoe

The mystery of the missing shoe

  • Emily Smith

Like most parents, at some point, your child is going to return from school or nursery minus a shoe, and you'll spend what seems like forever searching their bags, the car and anywhere else the missing article could have possibly been left. A quick call to the school or nursery assistants usually fails to bear any fruit, and it seems that the missing shoe is destined to join the array of other lost items such as favourite blankets, dummies and teddy bears that have seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth.

Shoes can be expensive, especially when you’re either having to replace them because they’ve gone walkabout or your little one has outgrown yet another pair, so it’s an unnecessary expense that can pile more strain on the household budget.

That’s why the team at Raw Labels developed our practical, hardwearing yet attractive range of shoe sticker labels to not only ensure that the right foot goes in the right shoe, but also reduce the risk of the mystery of the missing shoe occurring again!

Here are a few ways that the cute and colourful shoe stickers can help reunite you with the missing shoe.

Noticeable image

With many schools insisting on black footwear in a certain style, the lost property box is probably overflowing with shoes that look very similar to each other, making it difficult to locate the shoe you are missing.

Having Raw Labels shoe stickers makes a missing shoe far easier to identify thanks to their cute cartoon character split into two halves, so in the event it does find its way to lost property it's far easier to find amongst a heap of black school shoes.

Easier for the child to identify

After PE, your child might find themselves accidentally putting on a friend's shoe by mistake, but as the stickers contain an image and their name, it's far easier for them to identify which shoe belongs to them and stops others accidentally taking them home.

Others picking up the wrong pair is a leading cause of missing shoes, but even if they do get taken home in a PE bag parents can report the unfamiliar footwear back to the school and use the name sticker as a good starting point for investigating who the shoe actually belongs to so it can be reunited with its owner quickly.

Tags: shoe stickers, shoe labels, missing shoes