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FREE SHIPPING! No minimum order!
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For kids
Iron-on labels for clothes
Iron-on name labels for clothing
Small iron-on clothing labels
Name labels
Large name labels
Medium name labels
Small name labels
Shoe labels for kids shoes
Name labels with photo
Other products
Euro Cup 2020 ID Wristbands
Reusable kid’s ID wristband
Decorative stickers
Contact us
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you ship outside UK?
Yes, we ship our goods to other EU countries, the USA, Australia etc
How much does the shipping cost?
Is there a minimum order for free shipping?
When will I receive my goods?
How will I receive the goods?
Are there any promotional codes I can take advantage of?
Is there a money-back guarantee?
How can I wash my clothes when using iron-on name labels?
Is there a way how to remove iron-on name labels?
How can I pay?
Is my payment secure?
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Product was added to your shopping cart.